Founded in 1988, the Low Country Property Management Association is a group of property managers, fractional ownership managers, regime management companies and vendors related to servicing the Property Management industry. Our monthly luncheon meetings provide an opportunity for members to network and stay informed on current issues impacting our community and properties.
Greetings LCPMA members!
This message comes with good tidings from your Board and Officers of the Lowcountry Property Managers Association. While we have been on a brief hiatus from monthly meetings, your board has continued to plan, evaluating last year’s events and working towards the future of this remarkable 35-year-old organization. We look forward to seeing you all at our first meeting of 2024 on March 12th at HHBT. Wear something green, its almost St Paddy’s Day! Speaking at our first event is Ariana Pernice from the Hilton Head Chamber. She will be providing a recap of rental and market conditions for 2023 and a glimpse into what the chamber expects in 2024. Don’t miss it! Reservations can be made online through Friday. Last year we covered topics including an AC drain-line clog prevention device, a unique roofing preservation option, Fire Safety/regulations, the newly elected Mayor of Hilton Head, Alan Perry; trash bin cleaning, decorating trends, cultural events on Hilton Head and the recently enacted short term rental ordinance on Hilton Head. What a diverse group of topics! We also awarded TWO scholarships to deserving High School Seniors, rewarded our employees with an appreciation luncheon and donated hundreds of toys to Bluffton Self Help for Dudes Holiday Toy Run. None of this would have been possible without the support and efforts of members like you. Thank you! Our plans for 2024 will be logistically different than previous years. Most noticeably, we are changing our format by alternating luncheons with social/networking (happy hour) events. Both will continue to feature relevant and dynamic speakers, but we hope to better showcase our vendors/members at the social events and include folks who can’t always take an hour for lunch (but may have time for a cool beverage at the end of a long day). Bring some swag, tell us about what your company is doing and let us know more about your business! Share, promote, educate: LCPMA core values. 35 years and just getting started! BOARD UPDATE Several changes have taken place on the Board. Jordon Young resigned before the holidays as she is no longer in Property Management. Jordon was an immeasurable asset to all of us in the LCPMA, will be missed and we wish her much success in her new career. Christine McMahon (Island Getaway) has joined the Board and brings with her decades of vacation rental experience, and has taken on the responsibilities of our social media marketing. Welcome and thank you, Christine! 2024 Officers: Cecile Eck, Trident Rentals, President Henri Kirsten, Miller Long Term, Vice President Caleb Ready, Island Time, Secretary Mark Megliore, High Tide Regime Management, Treasurer Membership materials will be emailed to you later this week and will also be available at the meeting on Tuesday. Applications for the Vincent Paul Eck Scholarship are now available online and will be reviewed in April. We look forward to getting started with our new plans and can’t wait to see everyone next week. Please reach out with questions, feel free to bring a guest to the luncheon (additional fee applies) and see you soon! Kind regards, Cecile Eck, President
To advance the general welfare of property management and associated professions.
To participate for the purpose of mutual benefit in an information exchange with all state and local affiliated property management associations.
To promote the growth and recognition of property management as a professional and viable profession.
To raise professional standards and further develop the practice of property management in the Low Country.
To promote an understanding and compliance with laws governing and affecting the property management business at both the state and national level.
To disseminate useful information to all members and promote them to further educate themselves in the professional practice of property management.
To advocate a Code of Ethics to maintain high professional standards and sound business methods among its members for the best interests of the industry and public.